night mantis

My wife wouldn’t let me buy the 12ft tall metal chicken I found at a junk shop, after I explained I wanted to mount it on our roof.

I was inconsolable for weeks. When a deal on a giant metal chicken falls into your lap and you don’t take it, you’re telling the gods, “No thanks, I’m good, no need to send me anything awesome any more.”

If I didn’t want to be pushed to the back of the crowd in the existential parade of beauty, I’d better make something cool, fast.

Mantids are the Apache gunships in the insect war for control of your backyard. Not great in flight, but essentially a camouflaged mobile weapons platform that can rain death from concealment on anything in range.

A fitting subject for a penitent offering to the gods of bulldada and found art.

The wings are 18v solar panels charging separate 12v 18650 cell packs; one for the eyes and one for the lights at the end of the raptorial forelegs.

Yes, that’s really what they’re called, as if you needed another reason to wish you had them.

The lights are 12v automotive signal lamps. Super bright, low power draw, and highly weatherproof.